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Dressed in casual wear or your Sunday best, you will find a welcoming, safe, and non-judgmental community that is open to all. We know church can be a difficult place for many and we strive to provide a safe community where questions are welcome and people are celebrated. With that in mind, we offer two service styles; a traditional and more modern service, to include as many people as possible. Both of these services are in-person and live-streamed if you would like to listen and worship online before visiting. We strive to create a pressure-free environment where children and youth are not only accepted, but celebrated. We encourage children to join at the beginning of each service and then they will leave as the service starts to learn and grow in their own children’s church catered specifically for them.
Sunday @ 8:30 a.m. Our traditional service consists of traditional hymnal music, sung by the endearing voices of our choir with accompanying Walcker pipe-organ instrumentals. The sermons are wonderfully engaging.
Sunday @ 11:00 a.m. Our contemporary service is catered to a younger audience and includes more modern music with vocalists, guitar, and drums as well as a stimulating message in a family-friendly atmosphere.