Temple Kidz

Special Events

Blessing of the Backpacks
Open Community Classes
Trunks of Treats
Family Christmas Caroling
Kidz Talent Show
Blessing of the Flip Flops
Vacation Bible School

Blessing of the Backpacks
Open Community Classes
Trunks of Treats
Family Christmas Caroling
Kidz Talent Show
Blessing of the Flip Flops
Vacation Bible School

Frequently Asked Questions

Research in faith development theory suggests that kids are much more likely to make their faith a priority if they have adults who model an active faith life. The best way to encourage your child to get more involved is to get involved! The most important contribution adults can make to our children’s ministry is to invest in Exploring their own faith.

The transition from children’s church to “grown up” church can be very challenging! Strategies like taking advantage of the Kidz “fidget bags” or sitting with a friend can help with navigating this change. It’s important to remember that the goal at this age is simply to work toward establishing self-control (a fruit of the Spirit!). If your child appears to know absolutely nothing about what was said during the sermon, that’s pretty normal!

Our children’s ministry team consists of a combination of paid staff and church volunteers. If your child is in the Temple Totz Nursery or Temple Time room, they’ll likely be with paid staff. If your child is in an educational ministry like Children’s Church, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, etc. they’ll likely be with church volunteers. All of our staff and volunteers receive training on our Childcare Policies and Procedures and undergo background checks.

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