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Baptism marks the beginning of the Christian journey. Through the waters of our baptism, the world’s labels are washed away, and we are claimed for who we truly are and will always be: God’s Beloved children. The ritual kickstarts a lifelong and public process in which we intentionally grow in our love for God and others by participating in the life of a local congregation. Parents make promises on behalf of their children to teach them the faith and raise them in the church. At the same time, adults make promises to live their lives as disciples of Jesus in cooperation with other Christians. One of the founders of the Methodist movement, John Wesley, once said it well, “there is no such thing as a solitary Christian.” In other words, we are relational people who need one another if we are truly going to live in a Christ-like way. For those who would like to inquire more about being baptized or having their children baptized, don’t hesitate to contact the church office.