Wedding Info

We would be honored to be part of your special day

When the date for your wedding has been selected, you should contact the Church Office to clear this date with the Director of Operations, who will then confirm the date with the pastor and the church organist (if necessary) to avoid conflicts. A $100 non-refundable deposit will secure the date on the church calendar and will be applied to the total wedding cost. The wedding date will not be confirmed until both the deposit and the signed Wedding Covenant are received in the office. The rehearsal date (usually the day before the wedding) and time should be set with the pastor as soon as possible.

The pastor will meet with the wedding couple during the months prior to the wedding. In pre-marital counseling, the pastor will be willing to discuss any areas of interest and concern expressed by you, and can recommend additional resources, if needed.

The wedding ceremony itself is developed by the pastor and you. It is our desire that the spirit and the content of the service shall reflect your personality and your love relationship.

A pastor from Methodist Temple officiates at all weddings performed at Methodist Temple. Where it is the wish of the couple to invite other clergy to participate in the ceremony, they should discuss this with the pastor prior to any invitation being made to a visiting pastor.

We pray your wedding will be a joyous occasion and we are honored to be considered to be part of your special day. May God bless you as you begin your life together.

Methodist Temple’s policy allows other pastors to assist in the wedding ceremony. The invitation to assist will be issued by the pastor in charge of the wedding. This should be cleared with the Methodist Temple pastor well in advance of the wedding.

May communion be served at the wedding?
Yes; however, special provisions will need to be made for ushers and communion servers. This should be discussed and planned well in advance since communion, by United Methodist theology, is open to all people. The communion elements must be offered to all present, and not just the couple.

Will the pastor conduct a wedding service if one or both of us are divorced?
United Methodist theology recognize that people are not perfect individuals. All of us are in need of God’s grace and forgiveness. We recognize the right of divorced persons to remarry and to take their vows before God in a church setting. As such, United Methodist pastors are open to discussing a marriage ceremony with all persons.

Will the pastor conduct a wedding service in the home or other locations?
Yes. This should be discussed with the pastor in charge of the wedding.

What is the definition of a “Member” wedding?
At least one member of the couple must be a member of Methodist Temple for at least six months prior to the date of the wedding.
At this time, Methodist Temple does not allow non-member weddings.

Yes; however, special provisions will need to be made for ushers and communion servers. This should be discussed and planned well in advance since communion, by United Methodist theology, is open to all people. The communion elements must be offered to all present, and not just the couple.

United Methodist theology recognizes that people are not perfect individuals. All of us are in need of God’s grace and forgiveness. We recognize the right of divorced persons to remarry and to take their vows before God in a church setting. As such, United Methodist pastors are open to discussing a marriage ceremony with all persons.

Yes. This should be discussed with the pastor in charge of the wedding.

At least one member of the couple must be a member of Methodist Temple, an active participant in the life of the church, or interested in becoming a member of Methodist Temple.

Yes, we affirm marriage as a sacred, lifelong covenant that brings two people of faith into union with one another and into a deeper relationship with God and the religious community. As such, United Methodist pastors are open to discussing a marriage ceremony with all persons.

Photos Courtesy of Bret and Brandie

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